Hi! I’m Scott Simon.
fear and I go way back.
As a shy, bullied kid, fear was like my shadow - inescapable. I could barely whisper two words without panicking. Sitting alone in the school cafeteria became the norm.
I ran from everything that scared me. Which was … well … just about everything.
By 21, fear had backed me so far into a corner that I couldn’t imagine a life free of its grip on me.
Then, during a panic attack on an overseas flight, I had an epiphany. Eight words - “do one thing every day that scares you” - changed my life.
Over the course of one year, I hunted down a small moment every single day where I could push a comfort zone.
Bit by bit, those small brave steps stacked into serious momentum. That timid kid found his courage and became an international speaker guiding thousands to rock what scares them.
I studied the science of human flourishing. Gave a TEDx talk on happiness. Sat at the feet of thought leaders, sages and shamans.
Now, I have the greatest job in the world.
I am honored to help people transform their lives, their companies, and their communities.
I'm on a mission to inspire people worldwide with the tools and motivation to act courageous daily. To chase their dreams beyond limits once thought impossible.
I never forgot how awful the anxiety felt.
But we CAN use our fear as fuel.
Scott’s work with us was transformative. The impact was immediate and profound – we left with innovative approaches to tackle our challenges. Scott ignited a spark that will continue to drive our collaboration forward.
Angie Atkins
Director of Alumni, The Wexner Foundation

We can - you and me - chase our convictions, push our boundaries, skyrocket our careers, experience adventure and joy, and uplift others around us. We can live beyond limits we once thought were impossible.